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jangan mencuri bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "jangan mencuri"
  • jangan:    but don't; do not be; don't; don't be; or don't;
  • mencuri:    purloin; purloined; purloining; scrounge;
  • mencuri:    purloin; purloined; purloining; scrounge; scrounged; scrounging; steal; stealing; stole; stolen; thieve; thieved; thieving; appropriate; clean out; filch; pilfer; pinch; pocket; rifle; rip off; run
  • jangan:    but don't; do not be; don't; don't be; or don't; ne’er; spare; lay off; stop; quit; do not; never; don’t; discontinue; cease; mustn’t; give up; save; additional; extra; no; prohibitive
  • jangan-jangan:    in case; lest; ablins; at a pinch; ablings; praps; peradventure; maybe; conceivably; haply; mayhap; possibly; mayhappen; perhaps; perchance
  • mencuri dengar:    eavesdrop
  • mencuri pandang:    steal a sight of; stealing a sight of; stole a sight of; stolen a sight of
  • mencuri start:    made a false start; make a false start
  • mencuri ternak:    rustle
  • mencuri uang:    defalcate; defalcated; defalcating; embezzle; misappropriate
  • mencuri-curi:    poach; furtive; sneak; stealthy; surreptitious; sneaky
  • penggemar mencuri:    cleptomaniac
  • suka mencuri:    light-fingered
  • hidup dari mencuri:    live on the cross; lived on the cross; living on the cross
  • membongkar dan mencuri:    burgle; burgled; burgling
  • Damn you, I told you not to steal again.
    keparat, aku bilang padamu jangan mencuri lagi.
  • You shouldn't steal cars. It's bad. - It's my car, dumbass!
    Jangan mencuri mobil, tidak baik!
  • "Thou shalt not steal." You should reread your classics.
    "Jangan mencuri." Anda harus membaca ulang klasik Anda.
  • "Don't try to touch me with your sights."
    Naino se na chhuna mohe, Jangan mencuri pandangan dariku.
  • Just be on time and don't steal the flatware.
    Harus tepat waktu dan jangan mencuri sendok garpu itu
  • Right. No thieving. No bringing attention to yourselves.
    Jangan mencuri, jangan menarik perhatian.
  • Just don't steal this one from me, too, okay?
    Hanya saja jangan mencuri yang satu ini dariku, juga, oke?
  • "don't steal, the government hates competition""
    "Jangan mencuri, pemerintah membenci kompetisi" "
  • No, no more stealing... I don't want to be a thief.
    Tidak, jangan mencuri lagi ... Aku tak mau mencuri lagi.
  • You don't steal cars from Daddy!
    Jangan mencuri mobil dari Ayah!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3